Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors - Week of March 26, 2012

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By Shauna Krause & David Kalb, Capitol Services, Inc.
We will ‘color outside the lines’ in this Capitol Connection, crossing the borderlines for the state and nation. A contractor will learn he has crossed another ‘line’ in pursuing work with his present license class, but first we share an unfortunate reality with a contractor who wants to ‘line up’ a new license despite problems with his present one…
Q:  I had a dispute with a customer a couple years ago and a judgment was filed on my license, which was later revoked.  I owe a rather large amount on this judgment but I need the license in order to work.  Is there a way for me to get the license reinstated by settling the debt with the CSLB?  Or can I just apply for a new license?
A:  Sorry, that’s a ‘line’ you can’t cross now. You will not be able to reinstate your license or apply for a new license until you prove to the CSLB that the judgment has been satisfied.  The debt cannot be settled with the CSLB, but rather needs to be settled with the customer who filed the complaint.  
There are four acceptable ways to prove this:  1) Total payment of the debt; 2) show proof that a payment plan has been worked out with the creditor (the person/entity you owe the money would need to inform the CSLB in writing they are satisfied with your agreement); 3) File for bankruptcy, or 4) convince a court to reverse the judgment.
Q:  Hi, we have used your company a couple times to “cut the red tape” and I have a question for you.  My company installs countertops for “Big Box Stores” with a “C-29” (Masonry) license.  We have also started to install related fixtures like the sink and faucet.  Do you suggest we obtain a “C-36” (Plumbing) license in order to install the countertop/sink combos?
A:  Thank you for getting back in touch.  If you were just disconnecting and re-connecting a sink for the purpose of installing a new countertop, then no, you wouldn’t need the additional classification.  However, if you’re installing new plumbing connections and fixtures along with the countertop then yes, you should obtain a “C-36” license.
Q:  I have a general question regarding advertising in California and Arizona.  If an employee is in a non-sales role, is it still required that the contractor’s license number be listed on their business cards?
A:  Yes!  Your license number must be listed on anything that might be considered advertising, whether on your trucks, business cards, letterhead, etc.
Q:  My company has a current CA License and the Qualifier on the license is going to be leaving the company.  They have asked that I replace him on the license, however I have a Canadian Social Security number.  Will this be acceptable?
A:  No, unfortunately, because of the fingerprinting requirement, the CSLB requires that all applicants have a U.S. Social Security number.  The FBI and DOJ cannot run your prints with a Canadian number. For information regarding obtaining a Social Security number for non-citizens you can visit the Social Security Administration website at, or the company can choose another Qualifier.  
While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call 866-443-0657, email, or write us at Capitol Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 580, Sacramento, CA 95814. Research past columns at


