California's Minimum Wage Increases to $10 per Hour

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Employers are reminded California’s employers and workers that, effective January 1, 2016, the state’s minimum wage will increase to $10 per hour.
In September, 2013, Governor Jerry Brown enacted legislation which incrementally raised California’s minimum wage, first with a jump to $9 per hour on July 1, 2014, and ending with the forthcoming jump to $10 per hour in the new year. Such legislation marked the first increase in California's hourly minimum wage since 2008. Employers should be aware that almost all employees in California must be paid the newly increased minimum wage. 
Pursuant to California law, employers are required to post information on wages, hours and working conditions at a worksite area accessible to their employees. Various postings, including notices for wage orders and the aforementioned increase in the minimum wage, can be downloaded directly from the Department of Industrial Relations