10 Reasons to Develop an Effective Safety Program

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From Inside Safety, Newsletter of Safety Center Incorporated, March 2012

1. Saves Money
Incidents/Accidents and near misses have direct and indirect costs that affect a company's bottom line. Increased insurance deductibles, employee lost time, workflow disruptions, fines and customer dissatisfaction all eat away at a company's profit margin.
2. Reduces Injuries and Saves Lives
Effective safety programs create a culture of awareness. When all employees can identify hazards and have clear policies and procedures for mitigating these hazards, fatality and injury rates fall dramatically.
3. Improves Morale
When employees feel their working environment is safe, it gives them the confidence they need to perform at the highest level.
4. Increases Productivity
An injury or equipment failure can bring production to a standstill. Investing time and energy into establishing a clear and effective safety program helps you to meet critical deadlines.
5. Increases Quality
The workforce is changing; consistent training is creating a smarter and more qualified employee base. Raise the bar for your company and employees by implementing a strong safety program.
6. Models Core Values
An effective safety program demonstrates the organization's commitment to the safety and well-being of employees. When employees feel that corporate policy conveys interest in their well-being, they are more likely to comply with company safety policies.
7. Reduces Turnover
Employees are not going to stay in a workplace that is hazardous to their health and safety. Increase retention rates by creating a dialog between safety, management and workers to identify hazards and develop appropriate safety strategies.
8. Increases Compliance
An effective safety program is a dynamic, fluid process. Clear policies for accident investigations, equipment pre-shift inspections and other safe practices will help to identify any areas of noncompliance quickly.
9. Improves Marketability
A strong safety record can help you bid on lucrative contracts. Organizations can check CalOSHA violations because they are public records. Effective safety programs prevent costly criminal and civil liability, CalOSHA citations and adverse publicity, that can undermine the image of your organization.
10. It's Just Good Business Sense
A business that takes care of its employees' safety and health produces better products. Better products and increased consumer confidence in your company creates a ripe environment for long-term success.

Safety Center Incorporated can be reached at their Sacramento Campus, 3909 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento CA 95827. (800) 825-7262. (916) 366-1230 FAX. email: workplacesafety@safetycenter.org


